Poema Adiós Mamita, adiós

Mañana es el día de las madres y hoy estoy pensando en mi Mamá.

Ella falleció hace un poco más de un año, y al iniciar el 2008 le escribí este poe.

Hoy, quiero compartirlo contigo. Si todavía tienes a tu Mamá aquí contigo, ve y dale un fuerte abrazo y agradécele desde el fondo de tu corazón haberte dado a luz.

Si, como yo ya no está contigo, te comparto este poema de mi corazón, con la esperanza que te guste. Aquí esta la liga al audio: Adiós Mamita, adios

Un fuerte abrazo,

January 1, 2008

Goodbye Mommy

2007 is over and you are gone.
I’m sad.
I miss you.
I want to write you a poem to commemorate this day that start a new year, leaving behind the year you went.

You had a way of making those around you feel special.
You know I loved you.

Today that you are no longer with us I have a longing in my heart.
Yes, I miss you.
And today I want to feel the weight of your absence.
The sadness of the loss.
Knowing that you are gone.
Goodbye Mommy.

I thank life for having had you… and for you having had me…
My blood.
My flesh.
My heart.
Thank you.

Parting is such sweet sorrow.
Isn’t it!

I will always remember your laughter.
…how you loved to laugh.

You brought out the best in me.
Thank you.

Today that you are gone a piece of me has gone with you.
I miss you…

But life goes on.
As it should.
For death give space to life…
And it is good.

I will miss you.
But in the missing I will cherish the beauty of your life.
The pleasure of your being.
The sparkle in your eye.
The laughter from your lips.

I wish you peace and love and joy.

So go.
And I will wave farewell.

Farewell my beloved Mommy.
This is my goodbye.
I love you.
Rest in peace.


Una respuesta

  1. Me encantó su poema, en verdad es muy bonito, ando checando sus publicaciones y me gustan, soy una persona muy orgullosa y sus notas me han hecho pensar, trato de cambiar , me da gusto que usted sea una persona, feliz y transmite lo que le gusta por este medio.

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